Portrait read and write

  1. A good portrait is an image of a person that manages to tell a story.
  2. A good portrait evokes emotion.
  3. A good portrait tells us something about the person in the image, and composition is a key element that helps us create a storytelling portrait.
  4. I think good composition is a combination of the scene on the ground and the scene within your head. It combines the available with the desirable.
  5. Natural Light is very important.
  6. Think of what you want your visual narrative to be.
  7. Make sure you have a good background.
  8. Different angles are better than just straight on.
  9. Have good composition.
  10. Have good balance.
  11. Use different kinds of lighting.
  12. Edit things that need to be edited out.
  13. Have good exposure.
  14.  Believe that good portrait photography is an outcome of a thinking process.
  15. Make sure your person comes out with there personality in the pictures.

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